Shady Business In Xinjiang Province?

Again and again, Xi and the Communist Party denies it.

Accusations of violations of human rights, even the US could not ignore the sheer scale of the operations.

Supposed "education" or "re-education" camps, tucked away in the vast emptiness of the Xinjiang province in Northwest China. Their purpose?

To viciously crack down on any Nomad group which does not mindlessly follow the unopposed rule of the Chinese Communist Party. The nomad group in question is the Uyghurs,

an Islamic Turkic group of nomads that have inhabited the steppes for years. There have been rough estimates of simply how many Uyghurs are currently detained in what are clearly concentration camps.

Estimates have ranged from just less than 200,000 to over 1 million. Inmates of the "education camps" are subject to dehumanizing procedures that have become almost routine in China. The Uyghurs are subjected to intense surveillance,

religious restrictions (they being one of the only ethnic groups in China to actually have a religion) and even forced sterilizations.

Countless human rights organisations, United Nations officials have urged, pleaded China to stop the abuse of the minority, which the US described as "genocide". The events even spurred President Trump to impose heavy sanctions on China during his presidency.

According to experts, around 800,000 to 2 million Uyghurs and other Muslims, including Kazakhs and Uzbeks, have been kept in the camps in question since April 2017. Outside the camps, a total of 11 million Uyghur Muslims have suffered under a crackdown decades long.

Those inside the camps have never committed any crime nor have any sort of legal road to freedom: they are not allowed trials, as is often the case in single-party communist states.

In numbers, there are 27 confirmed detention camps, but it is speculated that there could be a total of 1200 of them in Xinjiang Province (officially known as Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Province, but known among many Uyghurs as East Turkestan)

Inside the camps:

Inside the camps, there are a number of things that must happen for the Uyghurs to be correctly educated (although brainwashed is probably a better word). Detainees are forced to pledge allegiance to the almighty CCP and renounce Islam, or whatever religion they may follow. Further, they are forced to learn Mandarin and sing Communist Praise to Dear Leader( a phrase often associated with North Korea, yet it is

more of a supreme Party rather than a single "deity"). Some camps were speculated to have prison-like conditions, with cameras and microphones intruding into the Uyghurs every move. Others reported that they were then interrogated and tortured by Chinese officials. Some Women even reported sexual abuse,

as well as forced abortions and contraception devices permanently implanted against their will.

The Chinese excuses for the crackdown are nothing short of ridiculous: Xi Jinping (The Pooh Bear that we all know and love) has proposed that the Uyghurs were "religious extremists" and that he was to use "tools of dictatorship"

to eradicate this "threat" to China's internal integrity (some ambitious words considering that China has a serious amount of corruption among officials).

This punishment of an ethnic group who have quite clearly committed no crime must stop! When the day of reckoning comes, Xi and Co. are going to have some answering to do...